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Lesson 5: Spell Of Cleansing Brilliance
Pognetti's Pages of Thaumaturgy
Written By: Taylor Howe
Dear Magnus,
If you are reading this, then I can only assume you made it back from the brink of darkness once more...and that the Blades Of Kismet are re-sheathed and stored away safely, until next time you need them.
I hope you had the chance to learn some important rituals from the Great Blood Shaman...I am sure they will be needed as we navigate our way forward into this newly fractured world...
I feel it necessary for our next spell to recover some, and shield the rest of your remaining fragmented soul...you have been more than dabbling in the ways of Ancient Blood Majik and we cannot afford you drifting too far into the grasps of the Sisters Three just yet!
The following spell will be short and simple...yet I feel the most effective for you to continue to walk the blurred lines of good and evil my son.
I need you to repeat these words out loud whilst you interlock your fingers and move them to have your palms facing upwards towards your chin. Your hands will need to be in front of you while you do this and held at chest level.
The Spell Of Cleansing Brilliance will expel some of the darkness in your heart and lock it away in your mind's eye instead.
My hope is that it will free up your emotions, lift the dark weighted heart you carry...and with any luck not cloud your judgment for what is to come next for us...
Repeat these words Magnus...cradle your hands to embrace the the expelling clouds of pain and allow them to transport into your mind's eye.
"Like a prison, shadows are
Cut down deep, like Umbra's Scar
I summon light, to cleanse me now
Seal these shadows beyond my brow
My mind's eye can lock away
Darkest keys, for another day
Bring me hope, and lift this weight
Brilliance pure, clean my slate
Feel it transfer, heart to mind
Clarity for me to find"
Now that you know these words Magnus, use these whenever you feel a heavy heart...it is small, but meaningful...
I have nothing I can teach you to fully remove the darkness that binds your soul my son...but what I can do is to teach you how to displace it, manipulate it...and perhaps store it away in a safe place to be utilized when absolutely necessary again!
Hopefully this small spell has eased your heavy heart, and has allowed to to function with less pain...
For in the coming days you will be needing that pure radiance that I know still glows inside you...as we cannot ignore the greatest treat growing in a world opposite to ours...
I will do what I can here, from beyond the Void to hold the pieces together longer for you and the rest of the Old World to become ready for what is to come...
Without Gailion's presence in your world anymore, a feel dark times will be in your future...
You need to continue to practice Magnus...be the light in the coming world of shadows!
- Personalized Lesson Page from the scattering's of Pognetti's SpellBook